The seed of shireesha (Albizzia lebbeck) is a potent spermicide. It immobilises the human sperm in one minute. The anti-ovulatory and anti-fertility effect of this drug was published in the journal Ethnopharmacology in 1982. Females can use it as local application.
The plant Albizzia lebbeck Benth. [Mimosaceae] is reported to possess anti-asthmatic, anti-inflammatory, anti- fertility and anti-diarrhoeal properties. Albizzia lebbeck is an important source of chemicals of melacacidin, D- catechin, β- Sitosterol, Albiziahexoside, betulnic acid which are effective as antiseptic, anti-dysenteric, anti-tubercular and used in bronchitis, leprosy, paralysis, helmenth infection etc. Hence in view of immense medicinal importance of the plant this review is therefore an effort to compile all the information reported on its phytochemical and pharmacological activities these information will be helpful to create interest towards the plant and may be useful in developing new formulations, which are more effective and have more therapeutic value. KEY WORDS – Albizzia lebbeck, Mimosaceae, Albiziahexoside, anti-asthmatic
Albizzia lebbeck is a tree well known in the Indian subcontinent for its range of uses. Albizzia lebbeck Benth. [Mimosaceae] is a large, erect, unarmed, deciduous spreading tree. Albizzia lebbeck is native to deciduous and semi deciduous forests in Asia from eastern Pakistan through India and Sri Lanka to Burma. In India it is known by various names in different regions viz. Sirish in Bengal, Begemara in Karnataka and Pilo-sarasio in Gujarat.
Work is done by many scientists in the field of phytochemical investigation of the plant. The phytochemical studies show the presence of the bark yields tannins 7-11% of condensed type, viz. D- catechin, Isomer of leucocyanidin [5,7,3’,4’- tetrahydroxy flavon-3,4diol], Melacacidin, Leuco-anthra- cyanidin, Lebbecacidin [8,3’,4’- tri-hydroxyl flavon -3,4-diol], Friedelin, Beta- Sitosterol, Betulinic acid and its glycosides. Leaves are reported to contain – Caffeic acid, alkaloids,flavanoids [kaempferol and quercetin], Albizia- hexoside A(1) & A(2). The flowers on steam distillation gave a colorless, sweet-smelling oil[4.3%]. On fractionation, it yielded p-nitro benzoate, Benzyl alcohol and Benzoic acid and seeds contains Saponins, Budmunchiamine (1-3), N-dimethyl budmunchiamine(1).
Uses & Benefits:
Albizzia lebbeck is quick-growing and popular tree. It is a traditionally important medicinal plant .
- Albizzia lebbeck produce anti-inflammatory,antispermatogenic, antiandrogenic, anticonvulsant, mastcell stabilizing, antitumour, notepad activity.
- Albizzia lebbeck highly effective against the asthma.
- Many ayurvedic preparations containing Albizzia lebbecklike Antiasthma kada, Sirisa twak kvatha, Vasadikwathavailable and found effective in management of asthma.
- Active constituent isolated from bark of Albizzia lebbeck has antimicrobial activity and cause leakage ofcytoplasmic constituent in microbes.
- Albizzia lebbeck rich of chemical constituent which havetherapeutic and medicinal value like D- catechin, melacacidin, leucoanthracyanidin, lebbecacidin, β- sitosterol, betulinic acid, caffeic acid, kaempferol, quercetin, lupeol and Albizziahexoside A(1) & A(2).Most of pharmacological activities have been reported on Albizzia lebbeck but hepatoprotective study not reported till date so there is an opportunity to work on it. Albizzia lebbeck has great potential as anti asthmatic drug and it can play a important role in developing new formulation for treating inflammation, enhancing immunity and asthma. The detail research on isolation of bioactive chemicals and clinical study of plant extracts as well as ayurvedic/herbal formulation required.
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