FAQs on Corona virus












12/ CHALLENGES – Main Stream Media, Profiteering, Polticians, lack of leadership





Question:  Can a person get a Corona virus infection and fully recover?

Ptaah: If the corona plague is survived as such and a recovery takes place, then the pathogen has thus become ineffective, but is still present in terms of impulses, as our research proves, but unfortunately this is not ascertainable for earthly medicine.   Contact Report 802


Question:  How can a person adequately protect themselves against coronavirus?  

Ptaah:  Wearing FFP2 respirators is still necessary, as is keeping a proper distance. It is also important to note that each FFP2 mask carries 2 to 4 per cent uncertainty, just as uncovered eyes pose a certain risk. Contact Report 802


Question:  Is the Impulse getting stronger than it was in earlier pandemic times?

Ptaah:  The impulse occurrence is no longer so precarious and no longer as skilled at attacking like previously.  Rather it has flattened itself out extensively and has been less aggressive which also means that it has stabilized itself  and is more repellent against a new infection. However, it in no way means an immunity because one such immunity is illusory at present.   Contact Report 802


Question:  What do you think about Politicians and physicians who say that people no longer need to wear a mask or maintain social distancing?   

Ptaah:  The Corona epidemic is still a danger that must not be underestimated, and therefore the irresponsible orders and decrees of state leaders that declare the wearing of respiratory masks and the keeping of distance between human beings and their neighbours to be no longer necessary should not be taken into account.   Contact Report 802


Question:  What are the social behavior rules to be observed with respect to protection from the corona virus?

 Ptaah: Any unnecessary risk of infection should be consistently avoided, which means that all unnecessary travel for the purpose of holiday and pleasure etc. should be refrained from, and in this respect aircraft, ships, means of mass transport and gatherings of people of any kind should be avoided wherever possible. Contact Report 731


Question:  What is the best way to maintain ones health and stay safe in the Corona virus pandemic?

Ptaah:  It is better to stay at home and avoid contact with the outside world, as well as not organizing family events such as birthday parties, etc., than to expose oneself to the risk of infection or, in the case of an already existing infection, to spread the viruses wildly in the area and thus infect other human beings aimlessly.  Contact Report 732


Question:  How does a Corona virus infection manifest, and what is the actual incubation period?

Ptaah:  An infection with the Corona virus is not immediately recognizable for infected persons, since the incubation period until the outbreak of the disease – contrary to false declarations of earthly physicians – is not only 2 weeks, but between 2 and 4 weeks and, according to the Plejaren, under certain circumstances even up to 3 months, depending on the strength of the immune system as well as special other factors of the infected person, which can be extremely different.  Contact Report 732


Question:  What are the symptoms when a Corona virus infection becomes acute?

Ptaah:  If the Covid-19 disease breaks out, the first symptoms are usually a slight scratching in the throat, which initially triggers a slight coughing impulse, which leads to coughing and then later to coughing.  Then fluctuating fever also occurs, which means that the fever is sometimes higher and sometimes lower, as well as a general feeling of malaise or loss of taste, and as soon as the symptoms become more severe, shortness of breath can also occur, as well as other symptoms that have, for example, flu-like characteristics.  Contact Report 732


Question:  Can one ever have life-long immunity after an infection of the Corona virus?  

Ptaah: Once infected by the corona virus and recovered, there will be no lifelong immunity – as I have already explained several times during the last months according to our research and findings – just as no herd immunity against this virus is possible, but immunity will be limited in time depending on the case.  Contact Report 747


Question:  What is the best rule for health and safety during a Corona virus pandemic?

Ptaah:  It is better to stay at home and avoid contact with the outside world, as well as not organizing family events such as birthday parties, etc., than to expose oneself to the risk of infection or, in the case of an already existing infection, to spread the viruses wildly in the area and thus infect other human beings aimlessly. Contact Report 732











  1. However, Covid-19 does not correspond to influenza or flu symptoms such as aching limbs etc. and is also not associated with a common cold with a runny or blocked nose and runny nose.


(2) Why are Europeans and not just Asians or members of the white races are becoming increasingly ill with covid-19

  1. Since its appearance in the city of Wuhan/China – as a continuation of the SARS epidemic, so to speak – the Corona virus has changed a lot in its behavior and mode of action.
  2. It has become significantly more aggressive and therefore spreads much faster and more strongly among older human beings with a weakened immune system than among younger human beings with a stronger immune system, also in Europe.
  3. But this will change quickly, so the disease will also spread to younger human beings, causing over 200,000 deaths in the world within the next 2 months.
  4. Apparently, according to the Plejaren, northern Italy will be the first to be severely affected by the disease, after which the whole of Europe will not be spared.
  5. However, as the virus becomes more susceptible to infection, the currently mutating Corona virus will become more aggressive, so that the immune systems of human beings of all nations will not be spared from the pandemic.

(Q3) How long will the Corona virus continue to rage, and is it to be hoped, that it will retreat as soon as temperatures rise?

  1. At the present time, it is not yet possible to predict how long the Corona virus will remain active.
  2. However, it is already clear that it is unlikely to subside as temperatures rise. 80. Influenza and some other viruses react sensitively to warmer outside temperatures and therefore tend to retreat in the spring and summer months, i.e. they become largely inactive.81. In the case of the corona virus, observation speaks against this temperature dependence, since it does not only appear aggressively in colder zones of our planet, but also in South-East Asia and, for example, Australia and in other warm countries, where it spreads just as quickly as it does here in Europe.82. Consequently, it can be stated that the virus is not dependent on climate and that the risk of infection is also independent of climate.83. According to the assessment of the strength-intensity of the corona virus, which will be maintained in this way for a long time, it can be assumed that the virus can maintain itself for a long time and possibly for up to 2 or 3 years and cause mischief. 84. And since the virus does not correspond to a life-form, but to an organic structure, it cannot be killed, but only paralyzed by a strong immune system, which must be specifically strengthened against the virus by a drug which builds up its forces. 85. In principle, such a drug is a vaccine, but for the Corona virus it requires time-consuming research, then testing and production, which can take months or years.

(Q4) By what means is the virus transmitted, and what is its duration of existence outside the human body?

  1. There is no specific therapy against the corona virus, which is not ‘alive’ but simply ‘exists’ as an organic structure, so for the time being only special preventive measures can be taken against infection and a wave of disease. 87. The Corona virus spreads as an expiratory droplet or droplet infection, especially through excretions of the breath and mouth, as well as through the hands and virus-infected surfaces that are frequently touched. 88. For example, door handles, bells, bedside tables, lavatories and other objects made of metal or plastic, etc. in the direct vicinity of a human being infected by the virus can transmit the Corona virus. 89. On average, the corona virus survives for up to 5 days, although depending on the environment it may survive longer, e.g. at normal room temperature and on the surfaces of various materials for up to 9 days, remaining extensively infectious.90. It also turns out that the existence time of the virus increases in cold and high humidity. 91. In contrast to countless other viruses, for which the duration of existence is only known for a few, that of the corona virus is currently known! 92. Under certain circumstances, it can also remain active outside the human body not only for a few hours, as is the case with other viruses, but for many hours, and under favorable conditions for days. 93. The virus, as explained, is spread by infected human beings through droplets, such as those emitted by humans from the mouth when coughing up and speaking, and as breath droplets from the nose. 94. These are then transmitted over a short distance through the air to other human beings who inhale the whole thing, but how everything also settles on clothes and hands etc. and thus infects other human beings. 95. The virus can also settle on food – such as sliced fruit and vegetables – and on any surface where, as was said at the beginning, it remains active for a long time before finally dying down and leaving. 96. It is therefore quite possible that the human being can become infected by touching the clothes or body of an infected human being and transferring the virus from their clothes to their own, or by eating a fruit or something else that has previously been contaminated by an infected person with a droplet release. 97. If clothes are infected, it is not enough to hang them outdoors overnight, because the virus remains active on them for a long time, but they must be washed thoroughly so that the virus can safely lose its existence. 98. As a matter of principle, care must be taken to maintain a minimum distance of 1½, but more correctly 2 meters or even 3 meters, from other human beings. 99. It is equally sensible not to shake hands with anyone when greeting etc. and to wash hands regularly with a suitable natural soap if touching another human being cannot be avoided, or if door handles or grab handles etc. have to be touched in public spaces, for example. 100. Instead of using public transport, it is advisable to drive your own car wherever possible and also to disinfect door handles and steering wheel regularly. 101. Chemical hand cleansers and chemical hand disinfectants should not be used because they are harmful to the skin and also penetrate through the pores of the hands into the organism, causing suffering and illness. 102. It is also to be said that disinfecting the hands with chemical disinfectants is not simply harmful to health, but after a short time, if the hands are repeatedly disinfected several times a day with such toxic agents, severe disinfectant poisoning is the result, whereby the entire organism is affected. 103. In addition to severe organic ailments and diseases, unpleasant and even dangerous dizziness, unsteadiness of walking and thought-feeling-psychological disorders can result, as well as nausea and visual impairments, neurological diseases and behavioral disorders, etc., which can possibly last a lifetime.

(Q5) What is the best way to support one’s own immune system, can vitamin C prevent  infections and diseases, and may after recovering from coronavirus disease an immunization arise?

  1. Simply taking extra vitamin C is not enough to keep one’s immune system sufficiently active.
  2. Strengthening and supporting the immune system fundamentally requires a healthy diet that provides energy and strength, as well as good health.
  3. In addition to vitamin C, other vitamins and trace elements as well as minerals are indispensable, such as zinc, vitamin B12, vitamin E, etc., i.e. various vital substances.
  4. It is therefore advisable, depending on the food, to go beyond a healthy and careful diet and also to regularly take a good multivitamin preparation or individual necessary substances in at least double the dosage recommended by the manufacturers.
  5. Unfortunately, all supplements available on the free market are severely under dosed, which is also known to us, because we are also trying to gain knowledge in this respect.
  6. According to our findings, a doubly increased dosage of a multivitamin preparation is usually not only harmless, but indicated for Earth-humans who do not receive enough vital substances through their normal diet.
  7. It is not possible to prevent infection by a virus by taking vitamin C and multivitamin preparations, even if such preparations strengthen the immune system and various organs and bodily functions.
  8. In principle, infection by viruses, bacteria and all kinds of micro-organisms can only be prevented by certain precautionary rules, measures and behavior and strict adherence to them.
  9. In principle, even the strongest immune system can fail, and that is when it is attacked by dangerous germs that trigger a shock effect and paralyses the whole system, which again corresponds to a fact that is just as unknown to the entire earthly medical sciences as it is to the fact that in certain human beings a recovery of the organism can take place with regard to the corona virus infestation, but no immunity develops because a coma impulse develops which continues to exist despite recovery, whereby the disease can renew itself again, which, however, does not correspond to a reactivation, but to a continuation of the disease out of the impulse coma.




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