Apples: A Curative and Preventive Influence

When I was growing up, my mother encouraged us to eat apples every day. She frequently reminded us of that old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” And, as teenagers, we’d rolled our eyes and say, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever!”

Recently, I read a Contact Report between Billy and Ptaah and was amazed about what the Plejarens had to say about apples—as “being a very curative” or “having a preventive influence.” The Plejarens live on a planet called Erra located just beyond the Pleiades constellation. This Contact Report describes how important apples are on the Plejaren world and in their lives for health and medical reasons.

After reading their information, I changed my juvenile attitude really fast and was grateful for my mother’s good health advice. Now I try to eat a couple of apples a day.

The following is an excerpt between Billy and Ptaah from Contact Report 530:


When I was on Erra, I saw huge apple plantations, with trees and apples much bigger than here on Earth. The biggest apples I saw, according to your explanations, weighed several kilos. The apples, I was taught by Quetzal and you, are used as food and medicine, and that is exactly what I read about in a journal, which also says that apples are both food and can also be medicinally effective.


50. That is of course correct.

51. The pulp of apples contains pectins which are very important for the human being – and also for other life-forms.

52. After processing the stomach, the pectins are transformed in the human being’s large intestine, into butyric acid.

53. This can prevent the emergence and growth of cancer cells or cause existing ones to die.

54. This is because butyric acid inhibits the cancer-promoting enzyme histone deacetylase and can prevent cancer before it can even appear.

55. In the case of existing cancer tumours, there is a possibility that they will diminish or atrophy completely.

56. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, etc. are also diseases on which the substances and acids of the apple can have a medically very valuable curative or preventive influence.

57. Overall, however, the apple can also have a life-prolonging effect to a certain extent, namely over several years or even up to 10 percent of the total expected life span.

58. The apple is also a slimming product, and with regard to the formation of muscles, it is a very valuable natural product with its containing ursolic acid, through which growth proteins can be formed in greater quantities, which stimulates and promotes muscle formation.

59. Furthermore, the dye quercetin is to be mentioned, which contributes a lot to the fact that the brain remains generative and therefore does not degenerate.

60. Similarly, quercetin works in such a way that hydrogen peroxide is broken down in the body, which damages and destroys cells.

61. So the apple is just as valuable as it is in medical terms.

62. Not only the pectins, but also all other substances, such as vitamin B and C, are of enormous importance, many of which are in the apple skin, which should always be eaten and never peeled away.

63. The peel alone contains the most valuable nutrients from which the immune system benefits because, like the connective tissue, it also strengthens it.

64. The formation of red blood cells also goes hand in hand with the strengthening of the immune system, as well as open injuries healing better and faster.

65. And it is a fact that the apple, in terms of its more than one thousand organic substances, surpasses every single artificial food supplement many times over.


Little of what you have explained is also written in the article I read. But what you do explain is more detailed. But in addition to that, I am wondering what you do with apples from a medical point of view?


66. Highly concentrated food is made from them, and because of their high concentration they are also effective in a completely natural way from a medical point of view.

67. Apart from the stalk, no waste products are produced during the production process, which means that every apple is fully utilised, including the skin, the seeds and the core.


Similar or identical to our food supplements?


68. No.

69. These are pure, highly concentrated foods that contain all the natural substances of apples, but no chemical ingredients etc., which are used as normal food in daily use.

70. Every human being on Erra eats such products every day.


Liquid or solid?


71. Both possibilities are possible, whereby the high concentration of the food corresponds absolutely only to pure fruit.

72. The same is also possible with vegetables.

And the nutritious cubes I ate on my Great Journey and on Erra, are they also of a similar kind? One or two or three cubes were enough to satisfy my hunger.

73. They are.

74. The high-concentrate is specially cold-dried and pressed for this purpose, so that a cube of about 2x2x2 centimetres will contain about 3 grams of apple high-concentrate, which corresponds to a raw apple weight of about 500 grams.


This corresponds to about three large apples as we have them here on Earth. By cold-dried you mean a kind of freeze-dried, or?


75. That is so, but the process is of course in line with our more advanced technology.


But you also eat fresh and raw apples and other fruit, as I saw in your large scale room.


76. Self-evident.


We use chemical spraying for apples and also for all other fruits and vegetables, which is not the case with you, I know. Only organic products are not supposed to be sprayed – only supposedly, because they are also treated chemically, with a copper agent, copper sulphate or whatever they are called. In the case of apples and other fruits, it is said that any chemical sprays would only deposit in the skin of the apple or fruit respectively, which I doubt.


77. This claim is not true, because whatever chemical sprays are absorbed by the skin of the fruit will also contaminate the flesh, regardless of whether the pesticides respectively insecticides are weak or strong.

78. The same applies to all kinds of vegetables.

79. This also applies if the fruit and vegetables are not sprayed directly, because it is sufficient if pesticides are sprayed or atomised even in the vicinity of the same pesticides.

80. The air movements carry the finest particles of the pesticides miles away, so that even fruit trees far away are contaminated with the sprayed toxins, as well as vegetable gardens and vegetable fields.

81. This also applies to herbicides respectively for weed killers if they are sprayed or sprayed near fruits, vegetables or cereals.

82. According to this, there are not organic fruits and vegetables that do not contain any toxins from pesticides or herbicides, even if they are only small amounts and hardly detectable with terrestrial technology.

83. If real organic products are to be produced on fruits and vegetables, then this is only possible in facilities that are closed off from the outside world, but then there is no spraying or spraying of copper agents on the fruits and vegetables, and also no use of herbicides.


This will probably not be possible, because all organic gardeners and organic farmers cannot act accordingly, because production would be too expensive. Besides, it is almost impossible that the whole thing can be handled in the way you explain. As a consequence, there is also no real organic fruit, fruit and vegetables and cereals etc. to buy, but these have to be produced in small quantities by the farmers themselves, always assuming the possibility of doing so.


84. That is indeed the case.


Then it is clear that a lot of money is being made with organic products, although they are not really, at least not one hundred percent, organic.


Unfortunately that is indeed the case.

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