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Brief DescriptionURL
How the Corona Virus was enabled to spread all over the world.Read
Corona Virus can survive in water and carried by wind and can infect peopleRead
Knowledge of Contraceptive Herbs and the church's suppression of it.Read
Corona Virus epidemic failuresRead
Covid-19 Origins and how it spreadRead
Testicles and sperm qualityRead
Cleaning teeth with sound wavesRead
Sex, neurotransmitters dopamine and oxytocinRead
First signs of corona virus, CO2, food and soilRead
Conrona Virus Pandemic OriginsRead
Phantom PainRead
Dangers of GlutamateRead
Gene and InheritanceRead
Dangerous Coronavirus VaccinesRead
Dangers of Horticultural practicesRead
Insufficiently tested vaccinesRead
Unvaccinated are being blamed for the spread of covidRead
An empty psychical stateRead
Cloning and deformitiesRead
Evolution and BirthRead
Daily Vitamin requirementsRead
Daily Mineral requirementsRead
Daily Trace ElementsRead
Milk is a Calcium-robber.Read
Mental learning is to be balanced with physical work.Read
The immune system functionsRead
AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, Tuberculosis, Plague, CholeraRead
Diseases in swamps and waterlogged areasRead
Climate DestructionRead
Zika VirusRead
Corona Virus rules compared to the NAZIsRead
Collagen hydrolysate, joints and joint cartilageRead
The importance of ZincRead
Nicotine in edible plants for Parkinson'sRead
Religious energiesRead
Lekatron and agingRead
Dangers of GlutamateRead
Gene TechnologyRead
Environmental destruction leading to diseases spreadingRead
Self-deception in regards to solutions of overpopulationRead
Blood Pressure, Red Beets, and Immersion bathsRead
Mental HygieneRead
Negative external influences detrimental effect on airplanesRead
Lethal doses of salt and sugarRead
Cleaning crystals for healthRead
Cleanliness and TidinessRead
Dangers of Electrosmog and Tooth implants and nerve cellsRead
Arm healingRead
Spontaneous combustion and AIDSRead
Learning from mistakesRead
Lowering blood pressureRead
SARS corona virus origin in GuangdongRead
Common cold and agingRead
Intelligence quotient and virusesRead
Viruses, virion, replication, DNA, RNA, Minotaur, elephantiasis, neurpfibromatosis, Zinc fever, biogerontology, Lifespan, agingRead
Intelligence quotient and virusesRead
Sexual practices, partnersRead
Coronavirus protective measuresRead
Virtues and High valuesRead
How Consciousness healing worksRead
Muscles benefit from unsaturated fatty acidsRead
Dangers of liposuction, breast implants, and cosmetic surgeryRead
Radiesthesia, Earth lines, Earth currents, Earth veins, fraudRead
Cancer cures, vitamins, fraud and treatmentRead
Epidemics and the behaviours surrounding itRead
Unnecessary cosmetic surgeryRead
Sports and exerciseRead
Burnout SyndromeRead
Atkins DietRead
Stupidity of leaders in PandemicRead
Corona virus, lethal effects of the vaccines, early ending of lockdownsRead
Propaganda, vaccines, belief, faith, respiratory masks, Corona VirusRead
Corona virus, stupidity of leaders, Masking, bitter substances and the liver, toxins, foods, botox, mycotoxins, fructoseRead
Covid Origins and Importance of MasksRead
Masking against virusesRead
Forced Vaccinations and Freedom, Morals and EthicsRead
Anti vaccine sentiment, Writing to rulers in plain language about their wrong doingsRead
How to logical deal with injusticeRead
Dangers of VaccinationsRead
Misgoverning during the Corona PandemicRead
Wearing protective masksRead
Corona Virus, Masks, and VaccinesRead
Vaccine side effects, organ haemorrhages, blood clots, cerebral venous thrombosis, intravascular thrombus, thrombophilia, phlebothrombosis, hypercoagulabilityRead
When something does not go their wayRead
Corona virus and maskingRead
delusional beliefRead
Vaccines are no guarantee, and they have side effectsRead
Multiple sclerosisRead
Humans addicted to lies, slander, hatred, stupidityRead
mRNA products, vaccines, dangerous antibody formationRead
WHO, Covid OriginsRead
5000 corona virus mutations since mid 1970sRead
Compulsory VaccinationsRead
Concealment of the facts about vaccines and covidRead
Alcohol damages the brain, liver and entire organismRead
Corona Virus, Plants, and AirRead
Revealing information about vaccination status, masking, health system for profitRead
Corona Plague, Corona Death rateRead
God delusionRead
Corona plague and relgionRead
Pandemic, masking needed outdoors stillRead
Pathological deficiency, entire rationality is switched off, this in leaders during the pandemicRead
Corona epidemic, failure of leaders, List of precautions of work placesRead
Vaccines should stay a personal choice, untested vaccines, slow response to viral casesRead
How the immune system and vaccines work.Read
2nd Corona virus wave, FFP2 and FFP3, large number of unreported cases.Read
Radiation, High Temperatures neutralise poisonous gases, immune system damaged, fine gas aggregates, agriculture, chemical industry, factoriesRead
2nd wave of the corona virus, second authoritiesRead
Environment destruction from OverpopulationRead
Corona virus, Mask quality, Aerosols, precautions, origin from bat nonsense, contagions, misinformation, false information, mRNA vaccines, WHORead
Use of Cannabis and Psycho drugsRead
Agriculture damaging natureRead
Keeping up appearances, Paedophilia and Sex behavioursRead
Intellectum, character attacks versus behaviour attacksRead
History of Corona, Wuhan, Mao Zedong, many viral mutationsRead
Corona Virus, Mao Zedong, lockdowns, masks, protests, infections, deathsRead
Oxygen in brain, metabolic disorder, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, inflammation, hypercoagulability, thombophilia, stroke, ischaemic cerebral inarctionRead
Corona vaccinations with no warnings of long-term side effectsRead
Repetative enforcement and lifting of corona virus rules led to rebellion & rules on how to deal with a pandemicRead
Problems with vaccines in generalRead
Cover-up of vaccine damage in SportlersRead
Vaccine damage and Corona PandemicRead
Natural remediesRead
Vaccine Long Covid SyptomsRead
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)Read
Irresponsibility of the state and majority of the population allows corona virus to spread.Read
Precautionary measures to prevent infection by the Corona Virus.Read
Recommendations for public interactions during Corona Virus pandemic.Read
Neurophysiological basis for the pineal gland and psychological elements of fine-matter perception by the 6th and 7th senses.Read
The number of deaths from vaccines and Corona virus as of midnight 2024 Jan 1Read
Dangers of Trans-fatsRead
Information about MilkRead
Corona virus and vaccine effectsRead
Transfats InformationRead
Milk and FatRead
vaccination developmentRead
Dangers of Fructose and SugarRead
just the EU excrement Distatorsh*tRead
The nonsense of LightfoodRead
Antibiotic contaminated meat & antibiotics released into environment & antibiotic resistenceRead
Excessive sugar consumption leads to aggression, anger, obesity, physical damage, poor wound healing, consciousness thought and feeling inertness.Read
Standard benchmark of psychopathy given by 70 negative characteristicsRead
Diseases caused from Inbreeding. Soda, cola, coca-cola leeching calcium from the bonesRead
Thought forces influencing life-span and environmentRead
impacts of thought waves upon folksRead
species lost, [thus our need for supplementation] natural laws of nature, all ecosystems, the entire fauna and flora; the atmosphere and the climate.break the natural laws of existence of the planet and nature imposed by Creation.Read
Artificial insemination can lead to degeneration Read
Management of WasteRead
Pheneylethylamine, substance driving humans to criminalityRead
Oxygen production of coniferous trees and oakRead
Unconditional Love is the only medicine to cure the evil of the Earth human.Read
Hypnosis and Brainwashing TechniquesRead
Pseudologia Phantastica, Pathological lying, SlanderRead
processes of respirationRead
long term impact of climate changeRead
early Covid research, and moral outrageRead
Contraceptives in dealing with Over-populationRead
Funerals, various types of care for the dead on Earth and on Erra.Read
Organ TransplantsRead
Comparison of the types of homes on Earth and on Erra Read
Plejaren Overpopulation and Birth Control IssuesRead
The emotional life and feelings of the Plejarens & Earth humans regarding marriage, friendship, jealousy, possessiveness and passionRead
Effects of misleading and delusional forms of thoughtsRead
Food poisoning, parasites, and introducing a Plejaren Parasite Neutralizer. Read
Organ TransplantsRead
Psychological and physiological effects of Warm Mediterranean Wind weather patterns on humansRead
Semjase's ConditionRead
Semjase's TreatmentRead
Health device installed in a telemeter disk, remote health deviceRead
lazy, sedentary lifestyle is unhealthyRead
Diet of meat products can produce metal sluggishnessRead
Humanity's CO2 output is unhealthy for both humans and the environment.Read
Earth Human vs. Plejaren Swinging WavesRead
Diet heavy in animal products, increases aggressive behaviorRead
impacts of genetic moments and Creation-energy in health and personalityRead
Device to protect from Earth human beings swinging waves : Asket's technology betterRead
The Need for Self-ResponsibilityRead
Recommendations for Self-ResponsibilityRead
Creation - for physical, mental, emotional health and expansion of consciousnessRead
Why the Plejarens do not show themselves to the massesRead
Apples produced by PlejarensRead
Lines 1-10 Listening to your inner selfRead
Evolution comes from withinRead
Aging of the body vs. aging of the spiritRead
The WisdomRead
Wisdom and Love teach the CreationRead
Reality vs. Irrational Teachings Read
Human being is connected to the CreationRead
Spiritual Intelligence vs. Material consciousness IntelligenceRead
Hindrance of consciousness by false teachingsRead
Feeling one with everything vs. self delusionsRead
Creational thinking is safe and protected.Read
The Truth is eternal.Read
Creational thinking accelerates evolutionRead
Creation is present in everything created. Read
Recommendations for harmonious group relations and interactions of coexistenceRead
Recommendations for extreme stress and exhaustionRead
Benefits of music, group meditations Read
Smoking CigarettesRead
Astrology on Earth and on ErraRead
Classification of the levels of consciousness of a life formRead

7 main stages x 7 = 49
Genetics, hereditary propertiesRead
machine for all sorts of ailments and diseasesRead
Stress overload, Disturbing DreamsRead
Animals living in human living spaces, esp. cats and dogsRead
Material Consciousness DamageRead
Low Oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere, the Havana SyndromeRead
Drugs, beliefs, sects, deception and the truth re: CreationRead
High Blood PressureRead
Stress, strain and work overloadRead
Dull thinking, laziness, mental health, brain damage, concussionRead
Smoking and radioactive radiation held in the air, all earthly life-forms eat contaminated food, to live with contaminated substances and hazardous waste, and to breathe in radioactive air and creating various forms of cancerRead
Legionnaires' Disease, pathogens in air conditioning shafts, pets in the home, Read
Children--the importance of self-activity and the play instinctRead
Unscrupulous, unprincipled, profiteer healers and healing practitionersRead
The psychological issues regarding PraiseRead
Plants and the carrying capacity of LigninRead
If a certain cloud substance were to crystallise and then rain to the Earth, scientists correctly suppose that a danger can exist in relation to the damage of Earth's vegetation and the waters, while the human and animal life-forms were forgotten.Read
Gossip, deceit, carelessness, unconsciousness, criticism, immaturity, snitching, adults who act worse than children, deliberate deception, hypocrisy, stubbornness, egoismRead
Pregnancy and correct psychological adjustment to pregnancyRead
Communication through song and musical formRead
psychological imbalances with lack of independence, bringing individuals from childhood to self-awareness and balanced life, self pity, self-woe, illogical sorrow, pain, self suffering, recommended is joyful labour, work performance and correct organizational handling of individual tasksRead
Marriage and offspringRead
health impacts of space travelRead
Suicide, those who reject the truth, abuse the truth, forgers of the truth, fear, terror, confusionRead
Religious parental programming, drug and alcohol addiction, bewildering delusion, non-independent thinking and acting, creating discord with others, brain damage, slowed thoughts and actions, guilt complex, guilt compulsion complex, self destructionRead
Cleanliness of the psyche and bodyRead
The negative technologies of the Giza Intelligence and their influencesRead
White Hellebore PoisoningRead
Religious beliefs can act as a magnet for swinging wave impulses, which can concentrate themselves to highly dangerous levelsRead
effects of brain damageRead
Fluids needed on a daily basis for healthRead
Billy's health related to stress and strenuous workRead
Head injury, concussion, dizzy spells, vertigo, headache, pain, memory loss, inability to concentrateRead
Group meditations to change dangerous un-values in the earthly international situation, Read
Billy's collapse and poor health due to stress, physical trauma, strain Read
Lies, slander, greed, selfishness, Read
Replacement pregnancy by a surrogate motherRead
Twins born to a mother impregnated by the implantation of frozen Embryos for the first time in 1984Read
Concussion, head trauma, shock, fainting, over stimulation of brain, stress, strain, collapse, dizziness, vertigo, humming in the head, Read
Group Meditation BenefitsRead
Earth human negative character traits: Hostility, hostile thinking, querulousness, destructiveness, negligence, divisiveness, ausartung behavior, low intelligentum, primitiveness, delusional thinking, morbid imagination, judgmental, untrue thoughts, superficial thinking, Read
Decision making when neutrality is difficult, loving thoughts and feelings met with coldness, neglect, being too strict, problems with freedom of feelings, violations, discipline, order, compliance, maturity, solidarity, reason, right and positive actionsRead
Animal abuse and crueltyRead
Daylight's Saving Time-Meditation is disturbed, normal rhythm is impairedRead
AIDS epidemic, homosexuality, sodomy, bisexual menRead
Diseases and Epidemics, plagues, people who keep pets in their homes, rats, fleas, dogs, cats, pubic hair removalRead
The Immaturity and Mental Health of Earth Humans, criminal genetic manipulations, misdirected life processRead
Erroneous results of the age determination process due to radiation changing material on earth, analysis of atomic degradation in atomic and chemical processes in all spheres, Read
Trees, death of trees by electro magnetic radiation, lead and diesel gas enginesRead
AIDS and HIV in ChinaRead
Sexual degeneracy, world-wide sex business, sexual enslavement of women & childrenRead
Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery and MalariaRead
Genetic engineering, Cloning, TransplantationRead
Crimes against humanity, atomic bomb testing, biological weapons on humans causing a miserable deathRead
Procreation of OffspringRead
Procreation of OffspringRead
Body weight gain, obesity, genetically conditioned obesity, inability to lose weight,Read
Malaria, Read
Malaria, in-depth description of condition from Quetzal & Pschyrembel, Clinical Dictionary, (258th Edition)Read
Conditions determined by Genes, Addictions, Addiction to extreme sports, dissolving genetic effects, impaired brain acids, Read
Atopic Dermatitis, treatment, Read
above-ground and other atomic bomb tests, humans abused for nuclear testing, animals & humans affected by atomic particles and radiation,Read
how the preferences for flavours and, thus, for certain foods and drinks basically develop in humans?Read
Pointless speakers or extensive-talkers, peculiar inferiority syndrome, senseless, extensive talking, straining the nerves of other human beings.Read
suppression of female intelligence, male arrogance, male phobia, oppression and unequal rights of women, Read
Fear, genetically conditioned fear, fear caused by wrong upbringing, ignorance and misconceptionsRead
Aggression, the neurotransmitter, serotonin, restrains aggression.Read
DNA, genetic engineering, progress in scientific and technological fields, medical science, biological and technical sciences, various forms of intelligence, actual intelligence quotientRead
Historical construction of the Bible and lack of authenticityRead
Global Warming, environment, atmospheric pollution, greenhouse effect, Read
Lack of Logic and reason in earth humans, dysfunctional families, mental health, physical health, Billy's health issuesRead
Truth re: Jmmanuel's burial site, Christian cults, Read
Remedy for BronchitisRead
Poisoning of humans by hydrocyanic acid, tails of comets, asteroids colliding with EarthRead
Fatigue, causes of fatigue, effects of caffeine, coffee, teaRead
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), causes, symptoms, conditions, deathRead
Sudden deaths while excavating ancient Egyptian tombs, Read
Benefits of Salt, importance for health and balance, excessive drinking removes too much saltRead
Missionaries in foreign countries and its effects, forceful proselytising, crimes against humanity, harassment of other culturesRead
Tobacco Use / SmokingRead
Fortune-tellers, astrologers, clairvoyants, the role of Chance, stroke of fate, law of causality, law of cause and effect in forecasting future events, anxiety and stress about future events.Read
Disasters evoke delusional believers and religious sectarians to mass murders and mass suicides through predictions of fortune tellers and astrologersRead
Religious, fundamentalist, Islamic, and Christian sectarian fanatics, who will even demand the death penalty for homosexuality and lesbianism, as well as instigate wars, murder, mayhem, suicides, mass suicides, mass murders Read
Mercury, ointment medicine, antibacterial Read
Mismanagement of all economic sectors and industries, economic collapse, increase in costs of Health insurance premiumsRead
Insane rulers, terrorists, in their madness and insanity will cause tremendous harm throughout the whole world.Read
Volcanoes, poisonous gas clouds, deposits of Carbonic Acid and the effects on all living thingsRead
Recently, I was asked for the reason why the so-called Franklin Expedition had failed and why all the participants had died?Read
Genetic research, genetic injections are stimulants in the form of gene injections for maximum performance, gene doping in animals and humans Read
The function of Wisdom TeethRead
Haematritosis, sweating bloodRead
Climate changes, greenhouse gases, inner-earth resource exploitation, causes of avalanchesRead
Meteorapathy and the causes, phantom painsRead
Scents and odors and how they are perceived, Bach Flower RemediesRead
Sea salt or table salt?Read
Forced sterilization by Nazi and other countries of the world, crimes against women, pain and suffering of children, adolescents, women, shameful, criminally inhumane practices, sexual abuse, rape, Read
Kidney StonesRead
Light and benefits, deeply penetrating light swinging wave, humans and animals need light, unsuitable artificial light and it's effects, stomach and intestinal problems, depression, hormonal imbalances, emotional imbalances, disturbances of the psyche. Read
Antibiotics, antibiotic injections, multi-resistant strains of bacteria, Read
Tomatoes, active substances can prevent cancer, prostate cancerRead
Human Striving for development and evolutionRead
Bomb created by powerful countries of the world, Megalomania, world dominate addiction, World War III, addiction for world domination, warmongeringRead
Corona pandemic and the stupidity of leaders. greenhouse gas and overpopulationRead
Depression, verbal abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence, treatment Read
Asteroids from space colliding with Earth, North and South Poles shifting, Read
Liars, swindlers, those with pure addiction to profit, delusional faith, confusion, or madness – and deceivers bind those who are enslaved to them and their believers to themselves. Instead of taking responsibility to think, reason, and pursue truth and the recognition of reality.Read
Castration, sterilization, the management of bisexual sexual intercourse in ancient times Read
Religions and sects sow hatred and separation of the people among themselves, and they drive their believers, enslaved ones, and fanatics into harming, abusing, fighting, and eradicating those of other beliefs.Read
Deodorants, sweat, perspiration, anti-microbial protection of sweat, sweat protects against infection, bacteria & fungus, the right scent necessary for male and female for sexual stimulation which is disturbed by used of antiperspirants.Read
Financial catastrophe, global financial mismanagement, economic crime, debt, hardship on middle and lower class, those in power lust for greed for money, wealth, resources, lands, countries, luxury, lust for power, revenge, retribution, self-perpetuation, pleasure, addiction and viceRead
Deliberate spreading of Cholera, plagues, Anthrax, Thyphoid and other diseases using bioweapon tests Read
Renegade Sirians, Giza Intelligence, "Men in Black" and other dark forces create a myriad of disruption and interference to the Creation Energy Teachings Read
Paedophilic sexual abuse of the Catholic priest, paedophilia, Beate Uhse, the sexual taboo, prostitution, pornography, crass Ausartung Read
Climate change, global warming, environmental pollution, air pollution, land degradation, water degradation, environmental degradation, melting of the polar ice capsRead
Contact Dermatitis, unstable immune system, causative agents Read
Harmful effects of dying and coloring one's hair and use of deodorants or anti-perspirants.Read
Viruses, bacteria, various microorganisms, also radiations that are deadly for human beings, such as gamma rays and X-rays, radium-rays, or simply all radioactive radiation, etc.Read
Solar radiation, sunburn, electricity, artificial light sources, black cancer or skin cancer, swinging waves of electricity on humans, and animals, pathogenic effects, mobile phones Read
Mobile phones, mobile devices, electromagnetic waves, transmission towers for radio and television, electricity, portable communication devices, disease of technological progress Read
Plejaren understanding of "single" and "abstinence,' marriage, divorce, infidelity, wives, husbands, prostitutionRead
Stress produces diseases and illnesses and weaken the immune system.Read
New illnesses and diseases appear, diseases transferred to humans from animals, birds, fish, diseases from outer spaceRead
Billy suffered many conditions and was able to restore his health, telepathic abilities and maintain his work toward the missionRead
Pain, nervous system response to pain in humans and various creatures, primitive methods of killing animals, slaughterRead
Spirulina platensisRead
The genetic codes are flexible, and do not determine the fate of human beings, rather these are formed though the thoughts, feelings and actions of humans./Read
Lightening, different types of lightening, thunderstormsRead
Ozone Layer, Methane Gas, Methane-Hydrate, CFCsRead
Adam-Eve Apples, origin of European apples, various species of wild apple treesRead
Permafrost, Perma-ice, glaciers, drinking water affected by melting of glaciers, Read
Crimes against humanity, inhumane conditions, for sake of profit, mistreatment of the sick, poor, psychiatric and mental patientsRead
Migraine Disease, causes of MigrainesRead
Volcanic eruptions, photosynthesis, carbon dioxide cycleRead
Climate change, radiation, atmospheric warming, Read
Multiple Sclerosis, causesRead
Vitamin DRead
Lightening, dry thunderstorms, Cardiac Arrest, Atmospheric Shootings, Thunderless Lightening, Read
Color Blindness, caused by lack of calciumRead
Thoughts and feelings influence genes of all life forms, genes adapt to environmental conditionsRead
Alzheimer's Disease, GalantamineRead
Homosexuality, genetic causes, Hypothalamus, Blood pressureRead
Heartburn, Asthma, Excess stomach acid, unhealthy diet, Raw potato juice, Nettle TeaRead
Genetic EngineeringRead
Cocoa Beans, Cardiovascular diseasesRead
ocean pollution, aquatic suicide, from over-population too many humansRead
Eat more nuts, grains, pome and stone fruit, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms and vegetables with moderation and purpose as well as additional vitamins, minerals, and trace elements.Read
Creating offsprings, artificial insemination, test tube babies, designer child, infertility, Read
Toxins in foods, both artificial and naturalRead
Herbal tea contaminated with carcinogenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids cause liver damage and can potentially lead to cancerRead
Stem Cells, artificial sperm and ova, cloning, genetic engineering, embryonic stem cell technologyRead
Phytotoxins in Green tomatoes and raw potatoes, Raw beans with phasin lectins which are haemagglutinins and negatively effect red blood cells if not cooked. Can lead to bloody vomiting if eaten raw.Read
Morphine in poppy seeds and prussic acid in rose plants, bitter almonds, apricots, peaches and cherries cause red skin and severe respiratory problems if eaten in large quantities.Read
Cosmic MusicRead
Less than 5 bitter almonds can be dangerous or fatal for children.Read
Elderberry has sambunigrin toxin, cinnamon and dates have coumarin toxin, and both cause headaches, fatigue, dizziness and neasea if consumed.Read
Nicotine toxin is present in green aubergine eggplant, anthraquinone and oxalic acid are in rhubarb, and to a lesser extentRead
Multiple Sclerosis, MS, Read
Glycyrrhizin is a saponin in liquorice. It can increase blood pressure and dangerously disrupt the cardiovascular system and inhibit excretion of water and haemolysing effectsRead
Curcumin, remedy for radiation damage, turmericRead
Copper poisoing and copper metabolismRead
The health and environmental impacts of tire wear, esp with regard to microplastic particulates.Read
Obesity from unhealthy foods such as Coryn Syrup, Yoghurt, juices, heavily sprayed foods, toxins, sugar, liver function, food deprivation, fructose, Read
Incurable hereditary diseases, actual UR fathers of today's Chinese peopleRead
Mask typesRead
Death after VaccinationRead
Vaccination does not prevent infectionRead
Salome Peace MeditationRead
Vitamin swindlers, Cancer, natural healing methods, fraud, deception, financial wealth, ignorant, stupidityRead
Nanotechnology, nanoparticles, ultra nanoparticlesRead
Syphiiliis, origin, Read
Addiction Read
Curcumin, Green tea, EGCG, Cancer tumors, Read
Female Circumcision, foreskin circumcisions, genital hygiene, cleanliness, legalized prostitutionRead
Placebos, sham drugs, religious beliefsRead
Laughter, happiness, stimulates immune system, physical and psychological well-beingRead
Behavioral therapy, post-hypnotic self suggestions, Tinnitus, phantom pains, Placebo, Rotary vertigo, Ménière's disease, Read
AIDS epidemic, world-wide epidemics Read
CFCs, Ozone Layer, death of trees, allergies, asthma, poison gas, asphyxiation, Cancer, death, preservatives, coloring agents, flavorings, confusing fanaticism, atomic bomb tests, nuclear power stationsRead
Helmets for safety, crash helmets, Read
AIDS Epidemic, origin and spread of disease, sex, bloody kisses, blood transfusions, impulse transmission to scientists, Read
organ transplants, death penaltyRead
Immunodeficiency disease, AIDS, animal species transfer to humans, sodomy, domestic animals in human dwellings, cats, chimpanzee, Read
Climate changes, Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, Read
Catastrophic Storms, floods, death, destruction, volcanoes, Torrential rains, hailstorms, severe storms, thunderstorms, heat waves, landslides, rockslides, Read
Cholera, epidemics, oil fires, atomic bomb tests, dam construction, nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants, poison spraying, poison burning, poison dumping in seas, oil catastrophes, oil ship fractures, pollution emissions, smoking, poison, steam producing industries, Read
Bach Flower Remedies, pseudo-spiritual healing therapy, Read
Microwaves, destroys the brain function, psyche of humans, animals and the life of plants, Cancer, Cataracts, aluminum, Alzheimer's Dementia, Microwave treatment, knee arthritis Read
Lightening flash, pain, inflammation, nerve injury, Read
Death squad murders in Brazil, murdering adults and children, organ donors, executions, Read
SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, death when Jogging, Joggers, injections, doping, drugs of all kinds, alcohol, vaccination, rubella, whooping cough, diphtheria vaccinations, tetanus vaccination,Read
AIDS in Switzerland, AIDS worldwide, Read
Worldwide climate change, natural events, gigantic meteorites, catastrophe, volcanoes, life forms die, Read
Alcoholic beverages, alcohol-like, fermentation process, Urethane, destroys material consciousness, liver & kidneys, entire central nervous system, prussic acid, Urethan, poison, Read
Organ transplants, Immune-suppressive drugs, blood, Read
Dowry killings in India, Read
Natural climatic processes, influencing weather, Read
Organ transplants, immune system, blood, organs, nerves, antibodies, immune strengthening drugs, prophylactic form, Salubritason, remedy, Gamma interferon, Kefir, yogurt, Vitamin C, Read
Radioactive radiations, cancer, radiation, toxic substances, leeches, jellyfish, nuclear power plants, Read
Electron drives, Electron pulse drives, Electrons, Universally existing elements, Electron energy, Cosmic-electromagnetic life energy, Swinging waves, Electron Swinging Wave mantle, Electron Medicine, Electron Power Plants, cure any disease, prolong life, environmental pollution, Read
Vision, glasses, contact lenses, eye diseases, deformities, signs of aging, cataracts, Read
Traffic, Lights on cars & motorcycles, fatal accidents, blinded by headlights, Daylight Headlight lighting on road vehicles,Read
Blood of saint liquifies, fanatical believers, blood liquefaction miracle, fake alchemy, Alchemical charlatanry, Read
Brief DescriptionURL
How the Corona Virus was enabled to spread all over the world.As I have stated before and several months ago, that the easing of the otherwise only halfway effective lockdown will result in many millions of human beings infected with the corona virus worldwide, as well as hundreds of thousands of corona virus deaths, this has now become a sad reality.
Corona Virus can survive in water and carried by wind and can infect peopleThen the following question, which relates to the Corona virus, because I was asked whether it is advisable to do aquafit exercises in an appropriate non-private studio at the time of the Corona epidemic.
Knowledge of Contraceptive Herbs and the church's suppression of it.So there was knowledge spread all over the world, by the way of the effectiveness of certain plants which for example, processed into tea and administered to women prevented conception for several years.
Corona Virus epidemic failuresWhat I can explain and clarify is something that will probably interest many persons, which is why you should spread the whole thing on the FIGU website in an explanatory way to counteract the false reports that are irresponsibly misleadingly spread towards the populations.
Covid-19 Origins and how it spreadThat will probably be so, besides it is questionable whether Earth-humans will ever be able to reach out into effective space and into real space outside the SOL-system, before under certain circumstances they largely extinguish themselves through their overpopulation or even completely destroy and exterminate themselves.
Testicles and sperm qualityThe increasingly appearing impotence in terrestrial man, as a rule, traces back to his own misconduct, which is based on the fact that one sits for too long with closed resp. laid-together legs on chairs or in vehicles and flying apparatuses or on bicycles and motorcycles, etc.
Cleaning teeth with sound wavesBut now a question in reference to teeth: How is it, actually, with you, when teeth are damaged or are no longer available?
Sex, neurotransmitters dopamine and oxytocinThen a question in reference to sexual love, which is always confused with real love: How do the causes for this arise?
First signs of corona virus, CO2, food and soilWhat I can tell you, however, is that I have found notes in my father's records that refer to the already incipient plague that will spread from China around the Earth in the coming New Year, which you spoke of the other day and said that you must not say anything about it for the public yet, but only when
Conrona Virus Pandemic OriginsBasically everyone who is concerned about their health and wants to protect themselves from an epidemic that will cause many deaths in the near future in Asia, but especially in China and the riparian states, as well as ultimately worldwide, which will number in the hundreds of thousands, so travel there should be avoided.
Phantom PainWorry about yourself, it seems to me you are in pain.
Dangers of GlutamateTell me, dear friend, do you Plejaren use glutamate as a flavour enhancer in your dishes?
Gene and InheritanceAs I know from you, the genes of the human beings are influenced by various factors and are therefore passed on by heredity.
Dangerous Coronavirus VaccinesThis is because, as a specialist, I had to devote myself in depth to researching the exact effects of the untested and dangerous, sometimes even life-threatening vaccines around the Corona virus and the incidents around them, which really do produce unpleasant results on the whole.
Dangers of Horticultural practicesThat the opposite is the case, however, is proven by the incompetence of the participants of all participating countries who, as representatives at the world climate conference, speak their inadequate word and afterwards claim that it is the others' fault that everything has ended unsatisfactorily, because they themselves had done the best possible.
Insufficiently tested vaccinesBut tell me, what do you think of the whole Corona rampantly spreading disease thing?
Unvaccinated are being blamed for the spread of covidThis brings me straight to what actually moves the world, namely the Corona rampantly spreading disease.
An empty psychical stateYou are very peculiar and strange.
Cloning and deformitiesAlready several times, we have had discussions about the cloning of animals and humans.
Evolution and BirthThe stupid knuckleheads just do not know any better, and besides, they are so narrow-minded that they will not listen to reason, because they are smarter than the hen that lays the eggs.
Daily Vitamin requirementsVitamins, Minerals, Trace Elements
Daily Mineral requirementsMinerals (Amounts of Elements = per Day)
Daily Trace ElementsMinerals (Trace Elements)
Milk is a Calcium-robber.But now, something else: particularly in Switzerland and in Germany, a lot of advertising is always made for how milk should be healthy and a calcium dispenser.
Mental learning is to be balanced with physical work.But presently, he still stands at the null point, with the mistaken idea that he only has to shape his life 'spiritually' and in a knowledge-based manner.
The immune system functionsBut now, I would like to ask you something again, which you must answer me as a doctor.
AIDS, Ebola, West Nile, Tuberculosis, Plague, CholeraWith the different epidemics and diseases appearing in the coming time, the immune system in humans, however, will often or even completely fail, as you already explained before, like the epidemic thats been known by America as AIDS since 1981 and the resulting varieties.
Diseases in swamps and waterlogged areasBut as it also always is, the fact is today that through the fault of the whole of terrestrial humankind, much of the mainland will slowly but surely become a water-infested marsh and swamp, in which disease and death will reign.
Climate DestructionToday, now that my predictions have been and continue to be confirmed worldwide, there is now a great clamour for all the worldwide disasters concerning climate, nature, etc., as I have predicted, with some major speakers standing out and taking credit for it.
Zika VirusBut I have another question, namely concerning the Zika virus, which was transmitted by infected Egyptian tiger mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) and which was now brought to Europe from South America via America by pregnant women.
Corona Virus rules compared to the NAZIsWhen I consider all the machinations that are being enacted as false ordinances in various states by those in power, I see that they lack sense and reason.
Collagen hydrolysate, joints and joint cartilageCollagen is a flexible and stable protein that occurs naturally in the body and is important for bones, tendons, ligaments and skin.
The importance of ZincThen here something about two zinc supplements:
Nicotine in edible plants for Parkinson'sYou once said that there were natural foods that could prevent or simply slow down Parkinson's disease in a highly concentrated form.
Religious energiesThe whole thing is about religious sectarian fanatical energies, which are emitted in billions of times the number of human beings affected by delusions of godliness and which accumulate.
Lekatron and agingWe once spoke a few words about anti-matter in the human body and in any other life-form.
FukushimaThen I would like to ask you if you have any knowledge of how many deaths were caused by the seaquake, the tsunami and the destruction of the reactor in Fukushima?
Dangers of GlutamateTell me, dear friend, do you Plejaren use glutamate as a flavour enhancer in your dishes?
Gene TechnologyIt concerns an experiment in genetically engineered medicine.
Environmental destruction leading to diseases spreadingAn expansion can only be that in the future, particularly in the new millennium, droughts, forest fires, thunderstorms of every kind, storms, rainfalls, floods, and destructions of vast areas, as well as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and mountain shifts, etc. become worse and worse and more comprehensive and cause damage and destruction that will no longer be able to be repaired for years and decades by human beings and which will demand billions of amounts of financial resources.
Self-deception in regards to solutions of overpopulationYou are asking for a lot there, just as if you would require that the human beings of Earth should stop their population explosion.
Blood Pressure, Red Beets, and Immersion bathsEven if you are in a hurry, I am glad that you were able to come here to answer my question, which refers to what natural means can be used to lower blood pressure if it is too high, because a group member suffers from high blood pressure.
Mental HygieneAt some time, the explanations must be given and bear fruit, and it is indeed time that these concerns are finally considered and understood by all, like also the matters of necessary hygiene, for which you cannot find the words to make it understandable and acceptable in German, for in these respects, many group members still adhere to false and unreal ideas.
Negative external influences detrimental effect on airplanesIf you undertake or should undertake larger journeys with flying devices, then never get on such that can carry more than twelve persons.
Lethal doses of salt and sugarBut then I would like to ask you something about table salt, sugar and alcohol, which you, Quetzal and I have officially talked about several times in all the years of our contacts, precisely because table salt is very important for the human beings, animals and plants, but is just as dangerous and deadly as alcohol and sugar, if these substances are consumed in excess.
Cleaning crystals for healthBut now I would like to pick up one more thing that we once talked about before saying goodbye, namely about crystals and precious stones, which according to your interpretations can become very dangerous for humans if they are in their possession or are even worn.
Cleanliness and TidinessThe very appearance and condition of the centre is of immense importance, for order, cleanliness and an unobjectionable state of the buildings and land, as well as the planting of the surroundings and many other things are of crucial importance for the fulfilment of the mission.
Dangers of Electrosmog and Tooth implants and nerve cellsI have a question from a Bulletin reader here: "The so-called 'cosmic life energy', 'cosmic-electromagnetic life energy' or simply 'cosmic-electromagnetic vibrations' or 'cosmic-electromagnetic energy' as another term is called in relation to 'cosmic life energy', what is meant by this and by electrosmog, and is it harmful or not harmful to humans, animals and plants at all?
Arm healingShe instructed me to heal your arm with a more suitable device than she had on her last visit.
Spontaneous combustion and AIDS263. I can do that, but to my knowledge, you know about it, so first, I would gladly like to hear from you what you know about it.
Learning from mistakes9. But take into positive consideration the fact that our task is extremely difficult and that we must acquire new knowledge continuously and mostly by making mistakes, just as you have to make in order to gain knowledge.
Lowering blood pressureEven if you are in a hurry, I am glad that you were able to come here to answer my question, which refers to what natural means can be used to lower blood pressure if it is too high, because a group member suffers from high blood pressure.
SARS corona virus origin in Guangdong27. Your assumption corresponds to a fact, because such machinations has taken place by American and British soldiers since the beginning of the war, but of course this is concealed.
Swelling5. What happened?
Common cold and agingOnly on Earth did we have health problems with the common cold until the 1980s, but this has not been the case since 1983.
CoronavirusI am simply bothered by what that part of the responsible terrestrial specialists which they want to be, but are not is spreading concerning the rampantly spreading corona disease, with big and self-important words, as important information, although they only have little knowledge and do not know the real facts of the whole thing.
Intelligence quotient and virusesAs a result of their incapacity which I must always point out and emphasise again from the very beginning of the rampantly spreading disease the mighty ones of the states have not taken the necessary measures which would have had to lead to the containment and prevention of the pandemic.
Viruses, virion, replication, DNA, RNA, Minotaur, elephantiasis, neurpfibromatosis, Zinc fever, biogerontology, Lifespan, agingIt is the ribosomes that are missing in viruses and therefore they can't generate proteins, this is because they also don't have mitochondria, which produce the actual necessary energies and forces that would be needed by the ribosomes to produce proteins.
Intelligence quotient and virusesAs a result of their incapacity which I must always point out and emphasise again from the very beginning of the rampantly spreading disease the mighty ones of the states have not taken the necessary measures which would have had to lead to the containment and prevention of the pandemic.
Sexual practices, partnersHowever, I wanted to ask one more thing: In the 1980s, Quetzal and I talked about diseases that affect people on Earth.
Coronavirus protective measuresHowever, what you have spoken about and explained was and is of enormous significance and importance, and it was very good that you have also taken up this topic and clarified it, because the necessity for that effectively exists, and indeed especially in the current time of the rampantly spreading corona disease about which I still have something to say.
BodybuildingA question regarding bodybuilding, which is done on Earth by men and women, who look like musclemen, so to speak.
Virtues and High valuesEven within the framework of their limited life experience, the terrestrial human being could achieve joy, happiness, peace, love, freedom and harmony, build up a positive outlook and mindset and maintain this throughout their life if only they wanted to and could free themselves from their vices, which they erroneously consider so valuable.
ImpotenceWell, during your last visit I asked you whether it is customary for you, as for us here on Earth, for men to cry out for artificial erectile dysfunction drugs and if you can take a closer look at Viagra.
How Consciousness healing worksThen let me explain: 'Spiritual Healing' is a completely wrong term used by the Earth-humans to describe 'consciousness power healing'.
Muscles benefit from unsaturated fatty acids13. Florena's coming interrupted me in my answer regarding unsaturated fatty acids
Dangers of liposuction, breast implants, and cosmetic surgeryWe have spoken about this before, but I have been asked on several occasions how the Plejaren women and men feel about vanity, whether they also have lifts and liposuction, cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation, etc. to rejuvenate their appearance or make them look younger. As I recall, you said that this was not the case.
ProcreationBut how is it now with you with the so-called marriage, mate there also male and female as with us?
Radiesthesia, Earth lines, Earth currents, Earth veins, fraudThen just now another question, which I would like to have answered officially from you.
Cancer cures, vitamins, fraud and treatmentAnd what about the boy Dominik?
Epidemics and the behaviours surrounding itYou spoke of the danger of epidemics and diseases that might be imminent.
Unnecessary cosmetic surgeryBut now I would like to come back another time to what you have to say about the beauty craze of the Earth-humans.
Sports and exerciseBut while we are on the subject of unnatural things: What about jogging and 'Nordic walking', or whatever it is called, where you walk with two sticks in your hands?
Burnout SyndromeMany human beings here on the Earth suffer increasingly from the so-called syndrome of being burnt out i.e. burnout syndrome, which is caused by conscious or subconscious stress.
Atkins DietJust now I was watching a programme on television about the so called Atkins diet, which goes back to a Dr Robert C. Atkins.
Stupidity of leaders in PandemicThat is of course, sure.
Corona virus, lethal effects of the vaccines, early ending of lockdownsWhen the state authorities officially became aware of the outbreak of the Corona plague we Plejaren generally stick to this designation they, in their stupidity or in their incapacity for real and logical, sensible and reasonable thinking, negligently caused the wrong thing to happen
Propaganda, vaccines, belief, faith, respiratory masks, Corona VirusThe method of slow thinking is, for example, that of the real valuable invention of things, as well as that of psychologically correct aphorisms, but especially the teaching of what really exists in reality and its truth in a form of comprehensibility, as well as the correct and valuable decision-making and the resulting action of a matter or situation, and so on.
Corona virus, stupidity of leaders, Masking, bitter substances and the liver, toxins, foods, botox, mycotoxins, fructoseWhat I still have is that 3 days ago you said that you forgot to say some things when you were talking about the Corona pandemic.
Covid Origins and Importance of MasksI am aware of what we said on the 6th of November regarding an end to talking about the Corona pandemic, but obviously there is a certain conclusion that needs to be made, and that is the following:
Masking against virusesMy recommendations for the use of respirators are based on rational consideration, because only respirators, when worn and used for their intended purpose, can protect against infection by pathogens.
Forced Vaccinations and Freedom, Morals and EthicsFor example, as a result of the Corona epidemic, governments in various countries are now 'advertising' a compulsory vaccination for all inhabitants of the country.
Anti vaccine sentiment, Writing to rulers in plain language about their wrong doingsThis will happen in the near future, and it will also result from this that, starting from the creation of the G-regulation and the vaccination cards that are becoming obligatory, a criminal production and sale of false vaccination cards will arise, which will occur more and more, which will undoubtedly lead back to the guilt of the state leaders, because they, in their incompetence, order and prescribe the wrong thing to their populations.
How to logical deal with injusticeLogically, the human being should defend himself against every injustice, but he should never do it in malice, not with violence, not with murder, killing and destruction, also not in hatred and in revenge and retaliation, but only use means of justice and thereby remain peaceful.
Dangers of Vaccinations31. Unfortunately, after our very precise research into the vaccines against the Corona rampantly spreading disease that are circulating and being used worldwide, we have established and I will now speak without consideration that these are not as tried and good as is constantly being publicly claimed by corrupt and incompetent virologists and state leaders.
Misgoverning during the Corona Pandemic45. It is also to be said that the claims of the correct effectiveness of vaccinations are based on lies, because these vaccines do not guarantee what is promised to the believers in vaccination, namely that they are safe and effective to a certain percentage.
Irresponsibility of the state and majority of the population allows corona virus to spread.What is particularly worth mentioning with regard to the Corona pandemic, which continues to grow and spread worldwide, is that due to the irresponsibility of incompetent state leaders, the lockdown has been loosened and even lifted or ended.
Precautionary measures to prevent infection by the Corona Virus.The wearing of suitable simple FFP1 or FFP2 nose-mouth respirators with or without breathing valves should have been ordered and made obligatory for all sections of the population for some time now by all those responsible for the state worldwide in a responsible manner against infections with regard to the Corona virus, and this by means of clear, decisive precautionary measures ordinances, which in the case of non-compliance by the unwilling should be subject to the threat of severe financial or custodial penalties.
Recommendations for public interactions during Corona Virus pandemic.As an urgent requirement, new safety and preventive regulations against the danger of infection by the Corona virus must be considered and implemented, on the one hand as determinative governmental and official regulations, and on the other hand the people themselves must be careful to observe the necessary safety precautions and to apply and observe them responsibly, for which I will mention a few necessities below:
Alzheimer's/dementiaBut now something else: many Earthlings of both sexes fall victim to dementia and then Alzheimer's disease.
Neurophysiological basis for the pineal gland and psychological elements of fine-matter perception by the 6th and 7th senses.Thoughts and feelings do not only course through the brain, rather they also work beyond it and can be "transmitted", in the form of telepathy, across three light-seconds (around 900,000 kilometers) and be received and understood by another suitable brain.
The number of deaths from vaccines and Corona virus as of midnight 2024 Jan 1That number is no longer true because our records at midnight gave a number of 22 million, 341 thousand 203 persons who have died regarding the pandemic and the vaccines.
Dangers of Trans-fatsThen again, a question, namely concerning trans fats.
Information about MilkConjugated linoleic acids are only found in milk, dairy products and meat from ruminants.
Corona virus and vaccine effectsThey are also just as blind-sighted and mendacious as the parts of governments that lie to the people and conceal the real truth from them, thereby making money for their own pockets, as they have done and are still doing, for example, with the Corona pandemic resp. with the ineffective vaccinations against the Corona rampantly spreading disease, which according to earthly experts has cost over 17 million human lives, but to which the Plejaren declare that it was over 22 million.
Transfats InformationHow can one tell, for example, when buying food, whether a product contains many trans fatty acids?
Milk and FatIt is often claimed that milk and dairy products in general would be harmful, therefore also the lactic acids.
vaccination developmentIt should also be said that a vaccine against diseases or rampantly spreading diseases that is only partially effective or really fully effective is 'found' in painstaking laboratory work, which is really only possible through years of work, so usually in 10 or 15 years, if not in a much longer time.
Dangers of Fructose and SugarRegarding that I have still one question, because you mentioned later after this conversation also that there would be still more to mention regarding the harmfulness of the fructose as well as of the other forms of sugar.
just the EU excrement Distatorsh*tElectric cars produce just as much particulate matter as modern petrol engines and diesel engines.
The nonsense of LightfoodThen a question regarding the so-called light food, which we have already talked about in private on several occasions.
Antibiotic contaminated meat & antibiotics released into environment & antibiotic resistenceIt has emerged from their very precise investigations that the so-called concentrated feed which is produced for cattle and also for other animals is an irresponsible absurdity.
Excessive sugar consumption leads to aggression, anger, obesity, physical damage, poor wound healing, consciousness thought and feeling inertness.Then a question about sugar: You once mentioned that excessive sugar consumption, especially crystal sugar, has various unpleasant effects on the health and behaviour of the human beings, like aggression etc.
Standard benchmark of psychopathy given by 70 negative characteristicsBut there is one more question about the psychopathy you mentioned in relation to the US presidential candidate: If psychopathy in general is mentioned, what are the peculiarities of psychopaths, respectively what are the evil and negative characteristics and patterns of behaviour by which they can be recognised?
Diseases caused from Inbreeding. Soda, cola, coca-cola leeching calcium from the bonesI see. But it is horrible, what all this is going on in our world. And when I think about the fact that children born through incest have a very difficult life and can also suffer from many different diseases, I am terrified. Is it at all possible to say how many such illnesses can occur in children conceived through incest?
Thought forces influencing life-span and environment62. The age of each life-form is partially determined by the external forces penetrating into them of a cosmic as well as environmental and nutritional nature, etc., as well as by forces of other similar life-forms, and to be sure, the genes play the predominant role.
impacts of thought waves upon folksThat is not necessary, because at least we are able to undo this intervention on your writing device.
species lost, [thus our need for supplementation] natural laws of nature, all ecosystems, the entire fauna and flora; the atmosphere and the climate.break the natural laws of existence of the planet and nature imposed by Creation.From the year 2020 onwards according to future forecasts made on the spot around 60,000 life-forms of all genera and species will disappear worldwide every year, starting with insects of all the tens of thousands of genera and species, e.g. moths, beetles, spiders, moths, beetles and spiders: Moths, beetles, spiders, scorpions, worms; animals = exclusively mammals, such as platypuses, sea otters, manatees, dolphins, seals, whales, bats, flying foxes, etc.; the amphibians = newts, toads, frogs, birds, fish, lizards, reptiles, creepers; the animals = crawling creatures, turtles.
Artificial insemination can lead to degeneration 30. And only the observance of this form within a precisely defined framework guarantees the continuity and the spiritual as well as consciousness based and physical evolution of a life-form, because forced or artificial procreations hold dangers in themselves, because the offspring thus conceived can with absolute certainty decay into hardly recognisable mutations, which in the course of time gradually turn entire forms of life into physical and consciousness based abortions and miscarriages.
Management of WasteSemjase: 108. On our part we have very little accumulation of waste.
Oxygen production of coniferous trees and oakBilly: But now, I would once again have a somewhat unusual question: Can you tell me how much oxygen a full-grown tree actually supplies and how many young trees are needed to replace a full-grown tree in its oxygen production?
Unconditional Love is the only medicine to cure the evil of the Earth human.Billy: All progress, love, knowledge, wisdom, logic, and everything worth knowing is served to them on a silver platter, yet the human beings do not reach for it but rather simply push it away and destroy it.
Hypnosis and Brainwashing TechniquesRegarding the alleged moon landings, you said that the 'astronauts' involved in the fraud were manipulated by hypnosis and drugs in such a way that false experiences and memories could be implanted in them.
Pseudologia Phantastica, Pathological lying, SlanderHere I, in fact, in my own family must battle again with habitual, respectively, notorious lies, slander and tirades of hate addressed against me.
processes of respirationIn the case of human beings, the inhalation of particulate matter increasingly impairs their breathing because various respiratory diseases occur, both internal and external.
long term impact of climate changeBut I will say that the melting of the glaciers and poles will release ancient bacteria and viruses, which will also cause old diseases to emerge and lead to major problems.
early Covid research, and moral outrageThe pandemic we have had in recent years is also not something that happened overnight.
Contraceptives in dealing with Over-populationThe first refers again to the pill.
Funerals, various types of care for the dead on Earth and on Erra.Billy: Well, I have a special question here, which reads as follows: What happens to you with the deceased, i.e. with the lifeless bodies?
Organ TransplantsBilly: My next question concerns the transplantation of body parts or organs. We have been transplanting body parts from the dead to living bodies, i.e. to living people, such as hearts, kidneys and eyes, etc. for years.
Comparison of the types of homes on Earth and on Erra Semjase: 81. The question is illogical; certainly, we also live in houses, only, we name these buildings differently.
Plejaren Overpopulation and Birth Control IssuesBilly: As you surely know, we have created the so-called pill for our earthly overpopulation problems.
The emotional life and feelings of the Plejarens & Earth humans regarding marriage, friendship, jealousy, possessiveness and passionBilly: Semjase and the Pleiadians are human beings like us and so they will also have feeling-impulsations like love, friendship, sympathies and antipathies.
Effects of misleading and delusional forms of thoughtsMenara: 52. Our monitoring has revealed some unpleasant things in the behaviour of the individual members of the group, for example in the respect that some of the core group members believe that their position is that of issuing orders.
Food poisoning, parasites, and introducing a Plejaren Parasite Neutralizer. Semjase: 52. Through this apparatus I will fathom what ailment has befallen you.
Organ TransplantsBilly: Good, while we are at it: You know that we have been doing a lot of transplants here on Earth for a few years now.
Psychological and physiological effects of Warm Mediterranean Wind weather patterns on humansBilly: But now a question: You promised me recently to give me some information about why the foehn [warm mediterannean wind] makes it so difficult for us humans.
Semjase Head Trauma
Semjase's ConditionI sent my spiritual consciousness to Erra and found a rather strange building there, which somehow magically attracted me.
Semjase's Treatment10. Unfortunately, this will be the case, my dear friend, because for a very long time she will not be allowed to burden herself much anymore, which is why it will be the case that Pleija in particular will become her sister's constant companion for the next few years, for which she already works very strictly and prepares herself for this work.
Health device installed in a telemeter disk, remote health deviceAlso, Quetzal will continue to endeavour himself around your health and will try to develop his apparatus and the accompanying device appropriate for it, so he can then, perhaps, install this in the control disk, which also remains, of course.
lazy, sedentary lifestyle is unhealthyThis is instead of keeping themselves busy and doing something for the health of their own bodies.
Diet of meat products can produce metal sluggishness72. The deficiency appears in his diet, because he feeds himself too one-sidedly with animal food products.
Humanity's CO2 output is unhealthy for both humans and the environment.However, nothing is said about this, but rather concealed, because it is not known and scientifically disputed that CO2 is released into the air and the environment simply through the exhalation of human beings, and that the blatant mass of currently 9.5 billion human beings is causing global warming and negatively influencing the climate to such an extent that it is tipping it over.
Earth Human vs. Plejaren Swinging WavesSemjase once tried to explain to me weeks ago why you do not just associate with us Earth-humans, especially in physical form.
Diet heavy in animal products, increases aggressive behavior16. I know that, and I find it very unfortunate that not even a few of the group members think and feel in this universal form of love.
impacts of genetic moments and Creation-energy in health and personalityThe human being's character and personality begin to develop from childhood onwards, with caregivers and the environment mainly parents, siblings, grandparents, schooling and experiences imparting much of what the human being accepts.
Device to protect from Earth human beings swinging waves : Asket's technology betterBut girl, now tell me something else: you are very susceptible to our swinging waves, but nevertheless, you told me once that you would move among us Earth-humans every now and then. How does that make sense now? If you go crazy when you come into our vicinity, then how can it be that you yourselves still move among us? Das verstehe ich, denn schon mehrmals habt ihr euch ja tuschen lassen durch Gedanken, die vllig anders waren als die, die grundstzlich die eigentlichen Wnsche usw. der betreffenden Personen waren. Ich denke dabei besonders an Martin und Mara. Doch, Mdchen, sage mir nun mal etwas anderes: Ihr seid so sehr anfllig auf unsere Schwingungen, trotzdem aber sagtest du mir einmal, dass du dich hie und da unter uns Erdenmenschen bewegen wrdest. Wie reimt sich denn das nun zusammen? Wenn ihr doch durchdreht, wenn ihr in unsere Nhe kommt, wie kann es dann sein, dass ihr euch trotzdem unter uns bewegt? Semjase: Semjase: 115. That is very easy to explain
The Need for Self-Responsibility18. Other things are connected with it, too, for example that in the last months we got more and more involved, that we had to deal more and more with group interests and private interests of the group members, without getting a word with our important statements.
Recommendations for Self-ResponsibilityBut look, Quetzal, does it really have to be final that you are only maintaining telepathic contact?
Creation - for physical, mental, emotional health and expansion of consciousness1. It is now time to speak about things that are very important in the sense of the development of the consciousness and of the spirit of the human being of Earth.
Why the Plejarens do not show themselves to the masses 25. There is no interest in showing ourselves to the general public.
Apples produced by PlejarensBut tell me, girl, the apple there beside the viewing screen, have you stolen that from somewhere?
Lines 1-10 Listening to your inner selfIt is now time to speak about things that are very important in the sense of the development of the consciousness and of the spirit of the human being of Earth.
Evolution comes from within11. In the dream the human being is able to create worlds of miracles, just as the Creation consciously creates the worlds.
Aging of the body vs. aging of the spirit26. The human being may be externally old, but this is only a transitional matter.
The Wisdom33. No worries, no grief, no problem, no changes and no vicissitudes of the life and the surroundings, the environment and the world will still be able to cast him into sorrow.
Wisdom and Love teach the Creation58. Yet the human being of Earth deceives him- or herself because s/he does not know the love.
Reality vs. Irrational Teachings 75. If the teaching fails to do so due to misuse or false interpretation, then it is no longer a help, but instead becomes an evil cult that enslaves the material consciousness through irrational teachings and creates unknowledgeness, as is the case with the irrational teachings of the sects and religions.
Human being is connected to the Creation81. The experience, which forms the true key to the true cognition and essence of wisdom.
Spiritual Intelligence vs. Material consciousness Intelligence94. The spiritual intelligence is enlightened by law-based spiritual principles and is directed toward the creational inner core nature, the absolutely full development, and the power of the creational itself.
Hindrance of consciousness by false teachings163. Since the human being does not know the creational and is misled by irrational teachings, in particular by sects and religions enslaving the consciousness, s/he makes a great many mistakes, searches for the true treasures in the wrong place and thereby violates all nature-based and creational regulation and all rules of the laws.
Feeling one with everything vs. self delusions167. The human being is to accept the entire realm of everyday life and his/her experiences as creational.
Creational thinking is safe and protected.194. All fear has given way from him/her by him/her identifying with the truth.
The Truth is eternal.205. All unreal suggestions and human imaginations become corrected by the human being realising:
Creational thinking accelerates evolution232. From this cognition his/her attitude becomes a dignified place, and also all things with him/her become dignified also the ground under his/her feet.
Creation is present in everything created. 248. The ones who are rich in the consciousness are free of all boundaries of a restriction and of the material selfish ego-consciousness, and therefore in constant contact with the Creation as such.
Recommendations for harmonious group relations and interactions of coexistenceQuetzal: 16. It is most urgently necessary that it is finally understood and recognised that what has been prepared by us and through the High Council as well-recognised ordinal rules must be followed and fulfilled if a smooth coexistence among the group members is to find fulfilment at last.
Recommendations for extreme stress and exhaustionQuetzal: 70. But now, my friend, I have to explain to you some things, with regard to your condition and your health.
Benefits of music, group meditations Quetzal: 92. A close study of the psyche of the individual group members has let me recognise that for the promotion of the meditation, and also in daily life and at meetings, a melodious background music would be of much value.
Smoking CigarettesBilly: But to the next question, what do you have to tell us about smoking?
Astrology on Earth and on ErraBilly: But something else, you know we do astrology on Earth, right?
Classification of the levels of consciousness of a life formSemjase: 140. Our assessments of the level of consciousness of a life-form, which we can carry out, are based on a total grade classification of 700 individual values, which are to be divided into seven periods of 100 individual values each.
7 main stages x 7 = 491. Primary life 1) Primary development of the intellect and the consciousness.
Genetics, hereditary propertiesI am content with that, thanks! My next question is about the gene, which makes up the hereditary factor.
machine for all sorts of ailments and diseases194 So then listen:
Concussion39. Of course, you play down your injury, as usual.
Stress overload, Disturbing DreamsYou easily say that; by the way, also Engelbert complained to me yesterday that he has quite lousy dreams.
Animals living in human living spaces, esp. cats and dogs7. It deals with the keeping of domestic animals.
Material Consciousness Damage19. He has built his whole life on lies and deception, which he also demonstrated during his group membership.
Low Oxygen levels in Earth's atmosphere, the Havana SyndromeBut if you do not mind, I would like to get straight to the point, because I was asked what the correct level of oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere is.
Drugs, beliefs, sects, deception and the truth re: CreationYes, it is understandable that you feel cheated, even more so when someone spouts such nonsense.
High Blood PressureI think that I will collapse by the end of the year.
Nettles23. But what are nettles?
Stress, strain and work overloadBut for me, this is tremendously strenuous, which is why I already have an unusually large headache after two hours in each case.
Dull thinking, laziness, mental health, brain damage, concussionIt is clear that a 'crack' is present.
Smoking and radioactive radiation held in the air, all earthly life-forms eat contaminated food, to live with contaminated substances and hazardous waste, and to breathe in radioactive air and creating various forms of cancerI still have another question, but which does not refer to these things but to smoking: as Semjase once told me, but so did you, smoking is a lot less dangerous than what is always maintained by anti-smoking organisations, etc.
Legionnaires' Disease, pathogens in air conditioning shafts, pets in the home, Good, then still one last question in regards to the Legionnaires disease that first appeared in America, which has claimed so many human lives and which has also appeared in Switzerland, in St. Gallen, in the canton hospital.
Children--the importance of self-activity and the play instinct 30. And since I am already speaking of the children, I must make a declaratory and shameful statement regarding the daughter Melanie.
Unscrupulous, unprincipled, profiteer healers and healing practitioners Tell me, what do you think of the German super magician Khnlechner?
The psychological issues regarding Praise Heaven knows, but I just do not understand why the human beings have to fall back again and again into their old ways and suddenly forget all good intentions and progress.
Plants and the carrying capacity of LigninThis evening, I watched a show on television that mentioned the fact that in about one week, with the recent launch of the space shuttle, a plant experiment is supposed to be made.
If a certain cloud substance were to crystallise and then rain to the Earth, scientists correctly suppose that a danger can exist in relation to the damage of Earth's vegetation and the waters, while the human and animal life-forms were forgotten.68. It is also important to note that when analysing the substance of the cloud, one should pay attention to the fact that certain substances have already been separated by space and by the different protective layers of the Earth, according to which some substances that were once in it can no longer be found.
Gossip, deceit, carelessness, unconsciousness, criticism, immaturity, snitching, adults who act worse than children, deliberate deception, hypocrisy, stubbornness, egoism7. Several group members practise great deceit in their deeds and thoughts, and they are wrong with the other group members.
Pregnancy and correct psychological adjustment to pregnancyThat will probably be good because I do not want there to be any ambiguity.
Communication through song and musical formSilence is diamonds and talking is tin.
vax-placebo-Pfizer [Special Sign of the Times] No.71 concerning the fraud of the Corona vaccinations.
psychological imbalances with lack of independence, bringing individuals from childhood to self-awareness and balanced life, self pity, self-woe, illogical sorrow, pain, self suffering, recommended is joyful labour, work performance and correct organizational handling of individual tasks53. Certainly, every single group member is not only working for the community, for the Center, and for the fulfilment of the mission, but each group member also works for himself/herself.
Fertilization82. Here and there fertilizations of female life-forms come to light, without a male potency having caused the decisive procreation.
Marriage and offspringBut what about marriage and the procreation of offspring?
health impacts of space travelThat is of correctness, because we explained to you at that time the dangers of space travel, because conquering interstellar space is not as easy as Earth-humans imagine it to be.
Suicide, those who reject the truth, abuse the truth, forgers of the truth, fear, terror, confusionBut tell me, are you aware of the fact that a few days ago, someone robbed himself of his own life, which has caused us a lot of difficulties and trouble here at the Center?
Religious parental programming, drug and alcohol addiction, bewildering delusion, non-independent thinking and acting, creating discord with others, brain damage, slowed thoughts and actions, guilt complex, guilt compulsion complex, self destruction2. I understand, her bewildering delusion already causes harm to the thinking of the group members.
Cleanliness of the psyche and body50. That is of correctness, but some additional points should be mentioned which, on the one hand, relate to the cleanliness of the psyche and, on the other hand, to the cleanliness of the body, and in particular, that circumstance must be taken into account, which you have already treated in detail some time ago.
The negative technologies of the Giza Intelligence and their influencesQuetzal: 4. We have finally succeeded in tracking down the allies of the Giza Intelligences and have succeeded in coming into possession of them and all of their technical aids.
White Hellebore PoisoningSpeaking of poisoning, one more question comes to my mind: It has been said since time immemorial that King Alexander III of Macedonia i.e. Alexander the Great[1] was murdered by poison in Babylon.[2]
Religious beliefs can act as a magnet for swinging wave impulses, which can concentrate themselves to highly dangerous levels36. Until that time, which must be clear to all of you, there will still exist the influencing swinging wave impulses of a negative form, by which some group members are still unnoticeably influenced.
effects of brain damageAlthough, your health leaves a lot to be desired and is extremely undesirable, and you will probably no longer be healthy; on the contrary, any excitement could kill you, yet you have done something impossible on your own.
Fluids needed on a daily basis for healthNow, it concerns the fact that my doctor told me as, by the way, also various other people, among whom are also the core group members that I must drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water or tea, etc. a day for health reasons because this is necessary for humans.
Billy's health related to stress and strenuous work5. But now, I would like to make you well aware that from now on, we will keep our contact conversations short, namely for your healths sake.
Head injury, concussion, dizzy spells, vertigo, headache, pain, memory loss, inability to concentrate9. Through Quetzal and Taljda, I know of your accident, which took place in November of 1982.
Group meditations to change dangerous un-values in the earthly international situation, 29. From now on, all tasks and works must be fulfilled according to the best ability and capacity; also, the times of the night watches and other types of services must be started and be finished on time, thus also the times and frequencies of the initiation and the meditation.
Billy's collapse and poor health due to stress, physical trauma, strain 1. From now on, it should be such that we no longer address all the old concerns regarding the group members, as well as the matters surrounding Lee Elders, for your health's sake.
Lies, slander, greed, selfishness, 10. Why do the Earth-humans only lie and slander, my friend?
Replacement pregnancy by a surrogate mother4. Then, on the 4th of January, 1985, it will be that for the first time, a child is born, who emerges from a replacement pregnancy by a so-called surrogate mother.
Twins born to a mother impregnated by the implantation of frozen Embryos for the first time in 198432. Only a few days later, there will be a worldwide sensation in Australia, when for the first time, twins will be born to a mother who was impregnated by the implantation of so-called frozen embryos.
Concussion, head trauma, shock, fainting, over stimulation of brain, stress, strain, collapse, dizziness, vertigo, humming in the head, 1. You have very bad days behind yourself, my friend.
Group Meditation Benefits46. I have noticed that the circle meditation now leads the way with very great advantages and that everyone profits a lot from it.
Earth human negative character traits: Hostility, hostile thinking, querulousness, destructiveness, negligence, divisiveness, ausartung behavior, low intelligentum, primitiveness, delusional thinking, morbid imagination, judgmental, untrue thoughts, superficial thinking, 5. Elsa gives us the greatest concerns because her whole mind has become destructive, whereby she grossly neglects her duties to the community and to the mission.
Decision making when neutrality is difficult, loving thoughts and feelings met with coldness, neglect, being too strict, problems with freedom of feelings, violations, discipline, order, compliance, maturity, solidarity, reason, right and positive actions92. There is an important matter, which we ourselves have had to think about since time immemorial, but which has now been grasped by the High Council.
Animal abuse and cruelty185. First, I would like to give you an example regarding our analyses, which they have yielded in detail.
Daylight's Saving Time-Meditation is disturbed, normal rhythm is impaired202. Toward the end of the month of March, the procedure of shifting the time forward, which is incomprehensible to us and which is also carried out by the human beings of Switzerland, takes place once again.
AIDS epidemic, homosexuality, sodomy, bisexual men 308. But what is worth mentioning is the AIDS disease, which will very quickly spread itself starting from 1983 and will demand many victims.
Diseases and Epidemics, plagues, people who keep pets in their homes, rats, fleas, dogs, cats, pubic hair removal332. Unfortunately, these are not the only diseases and epidemics because in foreseeable times, still other and much worse ones will follow.
The Immaturity and Mental Health of Earth Humans, criminal genetic manipulations, misdirected life process50. Your question is quite clear to me.
Erroneous results of the age determination process due to radiation changing material on earth, analysis of atomic degradation in atomic and chemical processes in all spheres, It deals with that which was explained to me by you, being that, on Earth, alterations have come about in the atomic structure of some constituents, and indeed through the fault of the Earth-humans.
Trees, death of trees by electro magnetic radiation, lead and diesel gas enginesThen the environment strikes back once again, which is hard pressed and destroyed by humankind.
AIDS and HIV in ChinaRegarding China, it has to be said that of course the AIDS epidemic is also rampant in this country, and millions of people are already infected by it, which of course is not officially admitted.
Sexual degeneracy, world-wide sex business, sexual enslavement of women & children What do you think in terms of the things that have to do with the area of sex?
Cholera, Typhoid, Dysentery and Malaria151. Cholera, typhoid, dysentery and malaria would be the ones that are most likely to occur in such cases.
Genetic engineering, Cloning, Transplantation21. In the not too distant time because genetic and cloning attempts have already been underway for many years, whereby a lot is still kept secret.
ReproductionBut how is it now with you with the so-called marriage, mate there also male and female as with us?
Crimes against humanity, atomic bomb testing, biological weapons on humans causing a miserable deathAs that also otherwise occurred with many other things, however not only in America, rather also in Israel, England and the Soviet Union, as well as in other countries, where, for example, their own people are killed, in order to falsely implicate other powers and people in these assassinations, so that homicidal action can be undertaken on 'good grounds' and it can be justified before the eyes of the world.
Procreation of Offspring82. Here and there fertilizations of female life-forms come to light, without a male potency having caused the decisive procreation.
Procreation of OffspringBut what about marriage and the procreation of offspring?
Body weight gain, obesity, genetically conditioned obesity, inability to lose weight,Then I would now like to raise the second question: since my collapse, I have gained quite a lot of body weight, namely 20 kilos during the first two months after my collapse.
Malaria, As you know, I had fallen ill to malaria on my travels to Africa and the Orient, as well as to the Middle East, and suffered some weak relapses over the years, after Asket had cured me of the illness.
Malaria, in-depth description of condition from Quetzal & Pschyrembel, Clinical Dictionary, (258th Edition) 31. But now, you should still come into my flying apparatus, so that I can free you from your suffering.
Conditions determined by Genes, Addictions, Addiction to extreme sports, dissolving genetic effects, impaired brain acids, 19. That is of correctness because this fact will first be recognised towards the end of this millennium, as well as other matters that are determined by the genes.
Atopic Dermatitis, treatment, One refers to the disease, atopic dermatitis, which attacks many humans and about which, there was a show on television again.
above-ground and other atomic bomb tests, humans abused for nuclear testing, animals & humans affected by atomic particles and radiation,Then another question: you once said something in confidence with regard to above-ground atomic bomb tests, as well as with regard to other atomic tests, namely in connection with people who have been abused in this regard and who will continue to be abused.
how the preferences for flavours and, thus, for certain foods and drinks basically develop in humans?The flavour preference of human beings for certain foods and drinks develops, in principle, in the womb of the mother during pregnancy, which means that what the mother eats and drinks is decisive, and in particular, sweet and good, spicy food and drinks are of special importance.
Pointless speakers or extensive-talkers, peculiar inferiority syndrome, senseless, extensive talking, straining the nerves of other human beings.11. There are people, both women and men alike, who are unusually happy to hear themselves speak, which is why they talk very long-windedly if they state anything.
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