Nattokinase, Natto is a protease enzyme used to treat diseases of the heart and circulatory system.

Where Does Nattokinase Come From?

Nattokinase is an extract made from soybeans fermented in a special process using the bacterium, Bacillus natto. Because this enzyme is made through a specific fermenting process, it cannot be found naturally in any other food source, even if it contains soy or soybeans.

Nattokinase Uses and Benefits

  • can neutralize further spike protein damage to cells[F1]
  • can help reduce the occurrence of blood clots [F1]
  • reduces some of the toxic effects of spike proteins [F1]
  • contains Shikimic Acid which reduces the toxic effects of spike protein [F1]
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD)
  • Reduces clotting
  • Dissolves blood clots
  • Manages high blood pressure
  • Deep vein thrombosis prevention
  • Improves circulation
  • Prevents or reduces artery hardening


Nattokinase is generally safe. It has been a part of Japanese diet for centuries.



Nattokinase is an enzyme and natural treatment for diseases of the heart and circulatory system.  Its wide range of health and healing properties make it a good supplement to benefit the human body.

FIGU Sources:

F1: ZEIT172